Why You Shouldn’t Put All Your Eggs in the Amazon Basket: Diversifying with Shopify

Amazon, the e-commerce behemoth, has undeniably paved the way for countless entrepreneurs and businesses to reach customers worldwide. With its immense user base, streamlined processes, and the all-powerful Prime membership luring buyers, it’s tempting for sellers to pour all their resources into this platform. However, as the old adage goes, it’s never wise to put all your eggs in one basket. This holds particularly true for e-commerce. Enter Shopify, a platform that offers a more personalized and autonomous selling experience. In this article, we’ll explore why diversifying your online presence and investing in a Shopify store can be a game-changer for your business.

1. Ownership and Control

With Amazon, you’re essentially renting a space on their platform. They set the rules, they control the interface, and they can decide to suspend or close your account based on their terms of service. On the other hand, Shopify allows you to have full control over your online storefront. From its design to the customer experience, everything is under your control. Having this ownership ensures that no third party can suddenly pull the plug on your business.

2. Branding Opportunities

When customers buy from you on Amazon, they often remember purchasing from “Amazon” rather than your specific brand. This can make building brand loyalty a challenge. With Shopify, you have a canvas to tell your brand story. You can design your website, use custom packaging, run email marketing campaigns, and engage with your customers in a way that aligns with your brand’s values and aesthetic.

3. Diverse Marketing Strategies

Relying on Amazon restricts you to their ecosystem. However, with your Shopify store, the digital world is your oyster. You can tap into SEO, content marketing, influencer partnerships, social media advertising, and more. Such diverse marketing avenues not only bring in more traffic but also help in reaching a more varied audience.

4. Better Profit Margins

Amazon’s fees can take a significant chunk out of your profits. There’s a referral fee, subscription fee, fulfillment fees, and many potential additional charges. Shopify charges a monthly subscription, but you avoid the hefty referral fees and potential additional charges that come with each sale. Over time, this difference can have a substantial impact on your overall profit margins.

5. Direct Customer Relationships

One of the most significant drawbacks of selling on Amazon is the lack of a direct relationship with your customers. Amazon doesn’t share customer email addresses with sellers, limiting post-purchase engagement opportunities. With Shopify, you build and own your customer database. This allows for direct communication, fostering stronger relationships, better customer service, and more personalized marketing campaigns.


While Amazon provides an incredible platform for reach and visibility, relying solely on it can be risky. It’s essential to remember that in the e-commerce world, autonomy and customer relationships are invaluable. By diversifying and establishing a presence on Shopify, you’re not just creating a backup plan but building a platform that offers sustainability, brand loyalty, and better profits in the long run. So, before you place all your eggs in the Amazon basket, consider spreading them out. Your business will thank you for it.

Want to find out more about moving from Amazon To Shopify – click here

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